Thursday, March 12, 2009

A First Birthday Session

Just a few peeks for Terra from yesterday's fun session. Love the cake shots...and so many more are being edited right now...I just could not weed out very many.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Poor kids had another snow day!

After this they are going to be begging to go back to school!

Monday, March 2, 2009

No more SNOW DAYS!

The kids are starting to hate snow days because they know they are doomed to playing "model". I have gotten lazy with using automatic focus so have been practicing manual focus again. I can tell the difference so quickly, but it is just too bad it is not feasible with the moving targets children are! My kids know the stiller they are, the sooner they can get up. Today Alec was the victim. I played with some texture obviously, too!