With Allen gone, I am not sure the boys will remember Mother's Day. Not that I expect them to get anything but it would be really weird for me to say, "Boys, I know you hate shopping, but let me take you to the mall so you can pick something out for me." I saved the hassle and did the shopping myself and my little treat arrived in the mail today. Jewelry? No. Clothes? No. What else but an new lens!!! This finishes off the lenses I want. I had been wanting the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS but after comparing, found that the only real difference was going to be the ability to shoot in low light. Since I do mostly outdoor work, I opted for the 70-200mm f/4.0L IS. I had heard nothing but rave reviews on it and so far, I am totally impressed! The IS is a total must on this lens. I got it out of the box and the only subject I could find was poor old Maggie, hobbling around out in the yard. I am not sure how far I was away or even what my settings were but I just snapped a couple shots to see how fast it was. She had no idea I was even outside. I hope this weekend is nice so we can get out for some practice with this new baby!!!